Bloome offers a welcoming and friendly environment that encourages your well-being. Its multiple common areas are the perfect backdrop for activities, conversation, and the cultivation of new friendships. Additionally, high-speed Internet is accessible everywhere in the building.
Bloome is more than just a beautiful façade. Its inner beauty includes a contemplative garden for when you need a moment of peaceful rejuvenation.
At Bloome, there is no need to clutter up your home with bulky equipment or to pay for an expensive gym membership. A 2,000-square-foot exercise space will allow you to dedicate yourself to your well-being – from the privacy of your own home – all year long.
Bloome is a sanctuary in all seasons. Put on your slippers and let the cozy comfort of the lounge envelop you during the cold winter months.
Whether you live in a 3 ½ or a 5 ½, you will benefit from a bonus room that allows a change of scenery, a chance to meet new people, or simply a place to relax and recharge.
Fit for all ages, the Bloome game room reminds everyone that it's an essential part of human nature to spend time simply having fun.
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Come and discover Bloome's secrets at the rental office located at 17, boulevard Montclair, Gatineau, Quebec J8Y 0B7.